Data, Transparency, & Accountability
Policy Overview
The U.S. education system continues to fail millions of students—particularly Black, Latinx, and indigenous students; students from low-income families; English learners; students with disabilities; and students living in rural communities—by providing them with an inequitable education that does not prepare them for success in school, in their careers, or in life. Data, transparency, and accountability can help inform remedies to correct those historic inequities.
We advance policies that will equip families, educators, and public officials with clear, objective, and comparable data to identify struggling schools; guardrails to hold schools accountable for closing opportunity gaps; and supports for continuous school improvement to provide students from historically disadvantaged groups with a high-quality public education. We also seek to ensure that policymakers at all levels of government are held accountable for aligning policies with the best available evidence so that public funds truly serve their intended beneficiaries.
Latest Policy News

The Obama Legacy Carries Through Loud and Clear
The Obama Legacy Carries Through Loud and Clear When President Obama took office in 2009 promising hope and change, he…

DFER Condemns Governor Haslam for Skipping Another Year of Accountability for Tennessee Schools
DFER Condemns Governor Haslam for Skipping Another Year of Accountability for Tennessee Schools, Calls on Secretary DeVos to Closely Review…

The Many Trump Universities
By Steven Isaacson Donald Trump has been making front page news again, this time for Trump University amid comments from…

DFER Joins Letter to Secretary John King: Enforce ESSA’s Supplement Not Supplant Requirement
By Charles Barone It wasn’t long ago that states like Mississippi admitted that Title I funding was used to build…

A Parent’s Heartbreak to See College Dreams Crushed
By Marianne Lombardo There’s no heartbreak worse than seeing your child struggle. And when they struggle to make a successful…

DC Students and DC TAG Lack Meaningful College Options
By Mary Nguyen Barry Students and families in Washington, D.C. are stuck between a rock and a hard place. As…

Trump: And Liberty for Some
By DFER The parade of pandering Republican candidates for President continues Monday (MLK Jr. Day) when Donald Trump becomes the latest…