DFER Urges Investments in Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

Press Releases

June 7, 2019

DFER Urges Investments in Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 7, 2019)—Today, Democrats for Education Reform joins more than 100 national, state and local organizations as they urge Congress to invest in the academic, social, and emotional needs of children across our country.

In a letter to U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Chairman Roy Blunt and Ranking Member Patty Murray, the organizations ask that the Committee accept language in the 2020 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill that would provide $260 million in funding for a new social and emotional learning initiative and $53 million for Teacher Quality Partnership grants.

The signatories also recommend including language in the bill that would clarify how funds could be used to develop educator competencies that would support student academic, social and emotional development and disseminate evidence-based strategies to a broad range of stakeholders.

The full letter can be read here.