Democrats for Education Reform Endorses Brittany Kinser for DPI Superintendent

Press Releases

March 13, 2025

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       Contact: Ericka Hatfield
March 13, 2025

Democrats for Education Reform Endorses Brittany Kinser for DPI Superintendent

March 13, 2025 (New York, NY) – Today, Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) released the following statement announcing DFER’s endorsement of Brittany Kinser for Superintendent of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI).

DFER has followed Wisconsin’s Spring non-partisan election for Superintendent of Public Instruction very closely. Based on our review of each candidate’s positions on education policies that prioritize students, particularly those from working-class and low-income families, DFER is pleased to announce our support for education reform champion Brittany Kinser.

Kinser has been an exceptional education leader at every level. As a school leader, her previous school was recognized for “Beating the Odds” by former State Superintendent and current Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers. She has consistently delivered results for kids and families throughout her career and will continue to do so as Superintendent. “She moves with conviction and courage, believes in high standards, and will always be guided by what is right for kids,” said Jorge Elorza, CEO of DFER.

The most recent scores on the Nation’s Report Card again show Wisconsin with the widest achievement gap in the U.S. for math and reading scores between white and Black students. DFER works with leaders who seek to reverse these conditions and create systems where all students—including students of color and those mired in poverty—have access to the highest quality schools.

Outside of Wisconsin, Brittany’s candidacy comes at a particularly important moment for Democrats and education policy. Ten years ago, Democrats, nationally, enjoyed an advantage of +26 points over Republicans in terms of voter trust on education. Today, that advantage has vanished as Americans no longer see Democrats as the Party of Education, and they doubt our party’s ability to deliver on their education needs. 

“Challenging the educational status quo is both good policy and smart politics for Democrats. As our Party seeks to reconnect with working-class voters, particularly in purple states, we need candidates who are relentlessly focused on outcomes for families, who bring a mindset of Abundance and believe in high standards, and who act with the urgency that the education crisis deserves. Brittany Kinser is that person,” Elorza concluded, “and we encourage voters to cast their ballots for Kinser on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.”


About: Jorge Elorza is the Chief Executive Officer of Democrats for Education Reform. He served two terms as mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, where he undertook bold actions to prioritize education. This included taking the unprecedented step to engage the state Department of Education to turn around the city’s chronically underperforming school system, creating the city’s Eat, Play, Learn Initiative to expand out-of-school enrichment. Notably, he invested $400 million into repairing school buildings and supported the expansion of high-quality public charter schools.

Democrats for Education Reform (DFER)  works to get Democratic leaders to embrace and enthusiastically champion innovative, evidence-based, high-quality public education options for all students, particularly students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and other historically underserved students. Learn more about DFER, or find an expert by following us on Twitter.