Bronx Teachers Go All Joe Torre On Bonus Plan

Press Releases

November 5, 2007

Teachers at PS 196 in the Bronx, before even finding out whether their school would be included in the schoolwide performance-based bonus plan announced a few weeks ago, voted to reject the approximately $3,000 in additional pay for teachers if the school’s performance improves. The NY Post has the story here.

The sentiment, which other bloggers have compared to what Joe Torre went through when the Yankees offered him a contract extension built largely on performance incentives, is that teachers are already working their asses off and that dangling money in front of them isn’t going to change things, that it is insulting, etc.

I get that. Honestly. I got it when Joe Torre decided to stick it to The Man, and I get what these teachers are saying about how they are already working hard.

But just remember that this whole discussion is taking place in an era of labor peace in NYC schools. When the UFT wants a contract, all you hear about is how good teachers are leaving because they can get a few bucks more elsewhere. Over and over. Why not show some love to the teachers who are on effective turn-around teams?

We’re talking about $3,000. It isn’t enough to really suggest that teachers in these schools are just doing it for the money. But why not recognize quality and achievement for once?