DFER DC: Students Have the Right to Learn African American Studies Fully and Unfiltered

Washington, D.C.

February 3, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 3, 2023) — In response to the release of the official curriculum for the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) course in African American Studies, Jessica Giles, Executive Director of Democrats for Education Reform DC (DFER DC), released the following statement:

“The College Board’s decision to water down AP African American Studies is shameful.

Black people are trans, queer, and non-binary/non-conforming. The erasure of Black identity is racist. Every person on this earth has intersecting identities, which shape our lived experiences. 

Upwards of 26 million people in nearly 550 places protested police brutality in 2020, making Black Lives Matter (BLM) the largest movement in U.S. history. To remove BLM’s contributions from the story of African American life and struggle is negligent. 

Lastly, wealth and resource extraction is a central part of the Black American experience, making the case for reparations an essential lesson for students. 

Students have the right to learn about African American stories, history, culture, and contributions, fully and unfiltered. 63% of students in Washington, D.C., are Black/African American and D.C. public schools are currently offering this course to students. 

The District must protect African American studies and improve college access and completion for students, including, but not limited to, increasing transparency in AP data, improving AP exam passage rates, and strengthening teacher preparation.”  


DFER DC is dedicated to eliminating racial inequity and discrimination in the D.C. public education system by supporting leaders who champion student-centered policies.

Visit www.dferdc.org for more information.

For media inquiries, contact: Victoria@dfer.org